lunes, 14 de abril de 2014

Black Swan

It´s always the transition from white to black. The slow change that makes everything different around you without anyone noticing.

Until then, you move forwards and make all those small corrections that are obstacles in your yellow brick road. Your legs, your nails, your hair in a ponytail...the smooth face that´s your passport to everyone.

But there´s always an excuse in the form of a reason. So the end justifies the means. And you want it so bad it starts turning grey. You want it so bad you can´t see you´re wearing your hair down.

Then you stop walking and start running, because you know you can handle it. Even though others tell you it is not good enough, not worth it, you know it is. It´s passion. It´s knowing it´s meant to be. It´s black.

So the slow change that makes everything different around you, becomes the slow change that makes you different. And you don´t stop and look back because you can´t. You don´t own it, it owns you.

Who said white was perfection and black was a reflection of everything you shouldn´t be? because right now that person should know, that´s not exactly what I think it is happening to me.

martes, 10 de septiembre de 2013

Just Five More Minutes

There is this misconception about the clothes you wear on the first day of class that puts me off, so here are some of the reasons why I think we´ve got it all wrong. Once again.

Let´s go back to our ancient relatives which we´ve never cared about because they are so ancient and so not relative that who do they even think they are.
These people, who had just invented rules, protocoles and misconceptions decided "the first day" should be directly related to making a good impression. Wrong. Balls to them.
  • It´s the first day after three months of not knowing 7am exists and now you have to wake up early. You are going to look like shit. The sooner you embrace this, the better.
  • You think you have to wake up at 7am but you´re just planning ahead to be on time even if something goes wrong. It doesn´t matter. You´ll sleep even less and still manage to leave the house late.
  • Who the fuck remembers first impressions. At the end of the day we never go back to that exact moment on the very first day to know that, four years later, we definitely hate that person.

So there you go, three based-on-evidence reasons why the First Day is the Best Day to:

  • not waste your time forcing your eyes open to place a contact lense
  • sleep in
  • dress like a hobbo

Have lots of nice first days and Hakuna Matata ♫


lunes, 2 de septiembre de 2013


"I love you"
that´s what she said
before turning around
and fading away.

She didn´t want to leave,
but neither could she stay.
She didn´t belong,
she had to go home.

And now everything revolves
around just one central point.
Her silhouette, the trace of her being,
the reminder of the past experience.

Time had stopped
and you were being given
the chance to say,
what your heart was thinking
but your mouth refused to say.

And there she was,
turning her back,
all the memories were to stay
but the feelings were to die.

because time had stopped
had given you the chance to say,
what your heart was thinking
what your mouth refused to say.

"I love you"
but she had already walked away.


martes, 23 de julio de 2013


Empiezas el día abriendo los ojos y lo terminas sin haberte despertado. Hay veces en las que el gotelé de la pared te saca muchas más verdades que las que te puede sacar cualquier persona, y pensando y pensando, llegas a la conclusión de que es porque hasta que no te admites las cosas a ti mismo, es muy difícil darles forma y volumen para un público que tampoco tiene por qué estar.

Así que un día te levantas y te hablas. Y te cuentas cosas que sabes que vas a olvidar al día siguiente, porque la pureza de las verdades se vuelve efímera al querer apreciarla por lo que queremos que sea y no por lo que es.

Durante esas 24h en tu cabeza, das vueltas a todo lo que existe hasta el punto de plantearte que no existe, pero que quizás quieres que exista para así tener algo en lo que apoyarte para escribir, para cantar, para hablar, para actuar…para sentir que sientes.

Porque ese día que empiezas lo haces sin que nada ni nadie te toque; sabiendo qué es una emoción y pudiendo reconocerla, pero sin llegar a sentirla cerca. Así que recurres a libros, películas, música y cualquier cosa que pueda servir de cita para explicar lo que tú, por alguna razón, no puedes. Y así es como encuentras demasiadas subidas de azúcar que no te suben y cuentos que no te crees con finales que sí que ves.

Pero como todo lo que empieza acaba y todo empieza después de acabar, llegan los últimos minutos de la noche y zanjas la conversación pensando que hasta los sociópatas tienen que sentir que no sienten. Y sigues durmiendo.  


2 Broke Girl$

Two Broke Girls is an american sitcom created for Warner Bros by Michael Patrick King and Whitney Cummings.

(I´m learning how to write formal introductions to trick people who might end up here into thinking I actually make serious reviews. Evil)

Thing is I´ve only watched two episodes, but I think it might be a good one to alienate myself from things that really matter in life.

As I´ve said before, I haven´t even started episode three but there has already been DRAAAAMAAAAAA coming from *tachan* people.

"You can´t tell an Asian he´s made a mistake. He´ll go out back and throw himself on a sword"

That was the satanic line that made people who don´t eat All-Bran go bananas. These tv shows get most of their jokes and funny scenes out of stereotypes -and even though we don´t like to admit it, sometimes what´s cruel is funny. And it´s funny because it´s cruel. Just your average human being laughing.
Comments like this one here are way out of place in some cases, but then again, we´re talking about a sitcom.
1) They are making fun out of a chinese man
2) they are making fun out of you
3) they are making fun out of everyone.

It feels good to laugh your flaws away sometimes.

Ps: Once again....

miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2013

On Shoes and Taste

Running shoes are the ugliest thing I have seen in a LOOOOOOOOONG time.


Because...this is exactly the point in which I develop a really extense theory about how shoes affect the world. You may leave now if this is not your thing.

"I am William Wallace! And I see a whole army of ugly running shoes, here in defiance of natural running feet. You've come to fight as ugly shoes... and ugly shoes you are. What will you do with that power? Will you fight?" (Mel Gibson- Braveheart)

So, after doing some serious thinking, I´ve come to the conclusion that running shoes are horrible because "someone" wants all of us to get fat.

But who?

I don´t feel like saying the Government because people tend to think of names, and that´s exactly the opposite of the point I´m trying to make.
Surely the first person that comes to mind is Obama. Or God. But let´s leave it in Obama (who, by the way, has a lovely singing voice) because I don´t want to get things mixed up.
I´m addressing people who are "up there" but don´t have a face, don´t have a name, don´t even exist for most of us.
People who are "up there" are the ones who really have a grasp of what is planet Earth. Most of them are probably rich in money or have been born in a priviliged (?) position or are aliens but that´s just an intelligent (?) guess. Important thing here is, they are the ones who decide in which direction to lead society.
Now, am I saying you are being controlled? To some extent. I think you are being controlled as someone who is part of the mass of human beings who live in the world, but not as an individual.
So yes, you might have your own sugestions about what you think it´s best, and chances are they are quite good ideas but none if this will matter because we´re always trying to highlight our points of view through the same way. And they know it. And we know it. And everyone knows it. Thing is we don´t usually remember we know it.

So what on Earth does this have to do with running shoes being ugly?

You can pretty much relate anything to this, but turns out I just saw an advertisement on running shoes and went with it. But I guess I can write an answer to this and add a bit of  hope to wrap it up before eating the second watermelon of the day.
If running shoes are ugly, less people will go out for a run. If less people go out for a run, more people will gain weight. If people gain weight, they´ll avoid moving more than necessary. If people avoid moving more than necessary, they will take anything that makes things easier and won´t complain about it. If this happens, ideas will stop being good because ideas won´t even exist.
Fortunately. there are a lot of people with bad taste out there, so a lot will keep on running. This is similar to blonds saving the species in case of a zombie apocalypse. Also, I like to think some people are rich in thoughts and perspective. And that can save anyone.

Anywhores, if after reading this you´re thinking of not forgetting about what you already know but don´t remember, just keep in mind that the person who wrote this doesn´t even know how to run.

Have an awesome day ☺

"Aye, fight and you may die. Run, and you'll live... at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take out ability to get up and...GANGNAM STYYYYYLEEEE!" (Mel Gibson- Braveheart)


jueves, 2 de mayo de 2013

Give Them A Break

We all need a Kit Kat from time to time and I don´t know if most of us are able to see this just from the outside or at the actual moment when we need it. Thing is, without kit kat´s we are exposed to the danger of losing ourselves. YUP. I went there.
Think about someone you´ve known for a while now. Most of you will have automatically chosen someone you like but it is alright. Think of someone you like, just for the sake of simplicity.

Remember how you met X? Remember the reasons why you decided X seemed like a nice pal? Well it´s been a while now since you two last talked, not because you´ve had a massive fight but because you just haven´t done so. Things like this happen. It is sad. We are sad. This is not my point though.

So, because you aren´t close anymore, you are now able to see X with a little more perspective. And what do you see? X is losing itself. Why? Kit Kats.

Not. Enough. Kit Kats.

You know someone´s got Kit Kat Withdrawal when they become a copy of everything they feel attracted to and, surprisingly, to everything they reject. Yes. I don´t know how or why this happens but it does. It´s like people get so warn out by the routine and pressure that they lose it and begin to throw away everything that made them -them- and start collecting whatever they find first in order to...belong?

At this point, it doesn´t matter if you feel like throwing your hands up in the air while shouting for revenge on the X that got away, as Katy Perry would surely do. Because at this point, X doesn´t need your helplesness- X needs a Kit Kat. Badly.

Dilemma comes in when, because you two aren´t close anymore, you can´t really walk up to X and leave the Kit Kat on his hand. This is where I, given the situation, would suggest to try and throw it at X´s head, because it sounds like the reasonable thing to do.

But turns out it isn´t that goddamned easy. Or satisfactory. It is just confussing because there might not be one right way to do it.  In fact, maybe there´s no right way because you shouldn´t be talking about throwing Kit Kats at a letter from the alphabet which happens to have a head and at least one hand.

But let´s just say that I want it there to be so that´s why.

Ps: Sorry Katy Perry. I really like your platypus.
