miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2013

On Shoes and Taste

Running shoes are the ugliest thing I have seen in a LOOOOOOOOONG time.


Because...this is exactly the point in which I develop a really extense theory about how shoes affect the world. You may leave now if this is not your thing.

"I am William Wallace! And I see a whole army of ugly running shoes, here in defiance of natural running feet. You've come to fight as ugly shoes... and ugly shoes you are. What will you do with that power? Will you fight?" (Mel Gibson- Braveheart)

So, after doing some serious thinking, I´ve come to the conclusion that running shoes are horrible because "someone" wants all of us to get fat.

But who?

I don´t feel like saying the Government because people tend to think of names, and that´s exactly the opposite of the point I´m trying to make.
Surely the first person that comes to mind is Obama. Or God. But let´s leave it in Obama (who, by the way, has a lovely singing voice) because I don´t want to get things mixed up.
I´m addressing people who are "up there" but don´t have a face, don´t have a name, don´t even exist for most of us.
People who are "up there" are the ones who really have a grasp of what is planet Earth. Most of them are probably rich in money or have been born in a priviliged (?) position or are aliens but that´s just an intelligent (?) guess. Important thing here is, they are the ones who decide in which direction to lead society.
Now, am I saying you are being controlled? To some extent. I think you are being controlled as someone who is part of the mass of human beings who live in the world, but not as an individual.
So yes, you might have your own sugestions about what you think it´s best, and chances are they are quite good ideas but none if this will matter because we´re always trying to highlight our points of view through the same way. And they know it. And we know it. And everyone knows it. Thing is we don´t usually remember we know it.

So what on Earth does this have to do with running shoes being ugly?

You can pretty much relate anything to this, but turns out I just saw an advertisement on running shoes and went with it. But I guess I can write an answer to this and add a bit of  hope to wrap it up before eating the second watermelon of the day.
If running shoes are ugly, less people will go out for a run. If less people go out for a run, more people will gain weight. If people gain weight, they´ll avoid moving more than necessary. If people avoid moving more than necessary, they will take anything that makes things easier and won´t complain about it. If this happens, ideas will stop being good because ideas won´t even exist.
Fortunately. there are a lot of people with bad taste out there, so a lot will keep on running. This is similar to blonds saving the species in case of a zombie apocalypse. Also, I like to think some people are rich in thoughts and perspective. And that can save anyone.

Anywhores, if after reading this you´re thinking of not forgetting about what you already know but don´t remember, just keep in mind that the person who wrote this doesn´t even know how to run.

Have an awesome day ☺

"Aye, fight and you may die. Run, and you'll live... at least a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take out ability to get up and...GANGNAM STYYYYYLEEEE!" (Mel Gibson- Braveheart)


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