miércoles, 24 de abril de 2013

Creepy and Helpful

And suddenly you stumble over a song that knows everything about you.

And you stop hearing nothing to start listening to everything.

And you realize you are a liar, a very good one.

But you´ve been hitten- and when you hit a liar, the liar can only surrender and open its eyes,

...because that´s the only thing that´s left to do once a writer nails you.

And this might be, perhaps, the reason why I like songwriting.
Because in very few words you have the chance to catch one intense feeling, and that one intense feeling, let´s be honest here, has every single opportunity of belonging to a human.

It´s like going to a bookstore. You go because you need something, and even though you don´t know what you´re looking for, you keep on analyzing books because you want to find the one that feels right.

Then, when you find it, you dive into it and notice there are plenty of feelings there (ew) which you actually even feel (ewew). Well that,  having people you don´t know guess exactly what´s inside you* at a given moment, is what drives me.

It is weird, yes. People you don´t know...know. And that is so incredible, sometimes you can´t stop yourself from writing a few lines to see if you get it. Coming up with something that touches someone to a point in which they realize what they want, feels as good as turning the last page of a good book. Suddenly you are aware of the fact that you´ve won something that you weren´t expecting.

So to me,  books are the long-term treatment, and while books give you unexpected knowledge, songs give you the necessary shots of courage that you asked for.

"It is a combination of the head, the heart and the balls" - Ville Valo (HIM)



3 comentarios:

  1. *Aplausos, aplausos* (¿O es necesario comentar en inglés? xD)
    Tienes razón y, de hecho, escribiendo esto has cumplido en parte lo que dices. No es exactamente "conmovedor" o algo así, pero has puesto en palabras cosas que yo pienso o siento.
    El mundo de la escritura (de cualquier tipo, canciones, novelas, etc) abre tantas posibilidades...

    1. Comenta en el idioma que quieras xD
      Y me alegrow (no solo porque acabo de descubrir cómo responder comentarios) pero porque también lo ves así. Las palabras inspiran.

  2. Este es mi favorito. Y punto. :D enoggndka<kmsakm acmnda en serio, muy bueno.. todo. Veo muchas indirectas en algun que otro post y estoy esperando a que llegué uno en el que declares tu amor incondicional hacia mi.. pero de momento estan genial ^^
